Gym & Wellness Terms and Conditions

Voir ici les Gym & Wellness – Conditions Générales en français

Zie hier de Gym & Wellness – Algemene Voowaarden in het Nederlands

1. Scope of application and enforceability 

The present general conditions govern the contractual relations between MIX GYM SRL (BCE: 0769 967 291), hereafter referred to as “Mix”, and its clients, hereafter referred to together as the “Clients” and individually as the “Client”.

2. Membership 

Any Client wishing to take out a subscription to Mix must pay a joining fee.

Membership fees are available on the Mix website and are never refundable.
In the event of cancellation of a subscription (see article 6), any re-registration is subject to a new joining fee.

3. Subscriptions 

The various types of subscriptions available and their prices are displayed on the Mix website at

Subscriptions are personal and non-transferable. They can be purchased directly online or on-site.

It is strictly forbidden to lend one’s membership card to a third party. If a client allows a third party to use their membership card, a penalty fee of 60 euros will be charged.

The subscription is activated on the day of the first use, which must occur within one month of purchase.

Early bird rate

Clients who have benefited from a subscription at a preferential rate via an “early bird” registration will activate within the month of the official opening date of the Mix.

The preferential “early bird” rate is only valid during the first year following the opening of Mix. In the event of renewal of the subscription, the rate applicable will be the one in force at the time of renewal. Any changes to subscription rates will be notified to the Client.

Annual subscriptions paid in advance

In order to benefit from this subscription, the Client is required to pay the full amount of the subscription by bank transfer at the time of purchasing the subscription or within 14 days after receiving their invoice.

The subscription is activated on the first day of its use for a period of 12 consecutive months.

Monthly paid subscriptions

In order to benefit from this subscription, the Customer agrees to an automatic debit (SEPA Direct Debit) from their bank account on a monthly basis. On the day of activation, a pro-rata payment for the remaining days until the end of the current month is to be settled immediately by credit card. Subsequently, the debit is made every month during the first week of the month.

The subscription is activated on the first day of its use and renews automatically until the Customer terminates it in accordance with Article 6.

If the bank informs Mix that a payment from the Client’s account could not be completed, Mix will try again to obtain payment from the Client’s account.

If payment is again unsuccessful, Mix may, at its discretion, either continue its efforts to obtain payment by direct debit for a period of up to three months or collect any amount owed by the Client by way of credit card or debt collection process.

Mix reserves the right to charge a fee of €20 for each missed direct debit (e.g. SEPA rejected by the bank due to lack of funds).

In the event that the client does not respond to such a reminder within a period of 14 days, a formal notice will be sent to the client by a lawyer to demand payment of any outstanding amounts.

If this formal notice goes unanswered after a further 14 days, MIX reserves the right to terminate the contract automatically.

This termination does not affect MIX’s right to recover, through amicable or legal means, any amounts owed under the contract.

If the payment is not received within the specified period, the entire amount owed to MIX will become immediately due and payable automatically without further notice. This amount will be subject to a monthly interest of one percent (1%) without further notice.

In the case of default or late payment, MIX reserves the right to deny access to its facilities to clients.

This does not imply an automatic termination of the membership.

​​Terminating a direct debit does not equate to sending a notice to terminate a membership.

4. Withdrawal 

The purchase of a subscription is final and does not give any right to any reimbursement.

The Client who has purchased a subscription online has the right to withdraw, without reason, within 14 days of the date of purchase. In this case, the Client  shall inform the management of Mix ( in writing by email of his decision to exercise his right of withdrawal.

In the event of withdrawal within 14 days from a subscription online, the management of Mix will refund the amount paid by the Client.

The Client loses the right of withdrawal when the service for which he has given his consent has already started to be provided.

5. Suspension of the subscription 

Subscriptions can only be suspended in exceptional circumstances.

In the event of a health problem, confirmed by a long-term medical certificate (more than one month), preventing the Client from using Mix’s infrastructure for more than one month, a request for suspension on medical grounds can be sent to Mix’s management using the following email The medical certificate must be attached to the request. The request is examined by the management. If the suspension is accepted, the management will inform the Client of the suspension starting date and the duration of the suspension. The duration of the suspension has no retroactive effect.

The subscription is suspended and replaced by a suspension fee of 30 euros per month for the duration of the suspension.

During the suspension period, the infrastructures are no longer accessible to the Client. The Client’s card is blocked during this period.

6. Termination of the subscription

An annual subscription paid in advance cannot be terminated.

The Client may terminate the subscription paid monthly by giving three (3) months’ notice, during which the Client will have access to the facilities.

The request for termination must be sent to Mix management using the following email (, along with an explanation for this decision.

The notice period starts on the first day of the month following the month during which Mix received the request to terminate the subscription.

The infrastructures remain accessible to the Client during the entire period of notice. The Client is obliged to maintain payments until the end of the notice period.

Mix reserves the right to terminate a Customer’s subscription at any time with a three (3) months’ notice during which the Customer will have access to the facilities.

Mix reserves the right to terminate at any time and without notice the subscription of a Client who:

-repeatedly breaches these terms and conditions or the House and Class rules and has not remedied the breach within 7 days of written notice from the management;

-allows another person to use their membership card and/or does not pay the associated 60 euros penalty.

-expresses inappropriate or abusive language, makes threats or engages in violent behavior within the Mix;

-behaves in a way that may disturb the peaceful enjoyment of the Mix by other members.

7. Loss of card 

In the event of loss of a membership card, the Client must contact the reception desk to obtain a new one. The cost of replacing the card will be charged to the Client (5 euros).

8. Changes 

The Client will be informed by email sent to the address given at the time of registration of :

(a) Any changes to the General Terms and Conditions;

Such changes will come into effect on the date specified in the email.

Prior to the GTC changes coming into effect, the Client has the right to terminate its subscription, subject to three months’ notice starting on the day following the day on which the notice is sent by Mix.

(b) Any changes to the rates (Subscription Fees and Membership Fees);

Such changes will come into effect on the date specified in the email.

Prior to the rate changes coming into effect, the Client has the right to terminate its subscription in the course of the month in which the notice is sent by Mix.

During the period of notice :

-infrastructure remains accessible;

-the Client is obliged to maintain payments until the end of the period of notice ;

-financial conditions of the subscription are those that were in force before the announcement of the changes.

9. Change of subscription during the year 

The Client who wishes to change from a monthly paid subscription to an annual subscription paid in advance must send his request to the Mix management by email ( The one-month notice period starts on the first day of the month following the month during which Mix received the request to change the subscription. The new annual subscription will automatically start at the end of the one-month notice. Mix will adapt the Client’s direct debit to the new subscription.

The Client who wishes to downgrade his subscription formula must send his request to the management of Mix by email ( The one-month notice period starts on the first day of the month following the month during which Mix received the downgrade request. The new subscription will automatically start at the end of the one-month notice. Mix will adapt the Client’s direct debit to the new subscription.

The Client who wishes to upgrade must send his request to the management of Mix by email ( The new subscription will automatically start on the first day of the month following the upgrade request. Mix will adapt the Client’s direct debit to the new subscription.

10. House and Class rules 

The reservation and participation in group classes are only accessible to members (Client with a valid Gym & Wellness membership subscription).

Consult these rules here

11. Facilities 

Some of Mix’s facilities may be temporarily unavailable due to repair, maintenance or security works.

Mix will do its best to ensure that such work does not interfere with the use of the facilities by the Clients, but cannot be held responsible for this unavailability, which will not give rise to any financial compensation on the part of the Clients.

12. Age 

To join, purchase a subscription and use Mix’s facilities, the Client must be over 18 years old.

13. Gift cards 

Gift cards can only be exchanged for courses, membership fees, subscriptions, products or event participation. Gift cards stay valid for a period of 12 months as of the purchase date.

14. Guests 

Some memberships allow Clients to have a guest (over 18 years old). These Guests may use the Mix facilities under the condition of availability, respecting and agreeing to the Mix House and Class Rules. Mix reserves the right to refuse the entrance of a guest.

15. Intellectual Property 

Without prejudice to the terms of use of the Website and the App, the Client acknowledges that Mix, or any company related to Mix, remains the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights in all elements of the Website and the App, and the Services (including sessions, workshops and any other activities organized by Mix). In addition, Mix remains the sole owner of the name, brand and logo used to sell the products and provide the services, whether online or offline.

16. Personal data 

Each Client shall ensure that the data provided when registering with Mix and throughout their membership is correct and complete.

Mix processes and stores the Client’s personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016) and as further detailed in Mix’s Data Protection Policy.

The Client may ask any questions relating to the processing of personal data by sending an email to the following address:

The Client agrees that Mix uses the photos taken within the facilities and events in which he/she appears. The Client may however request to be masked from a published photo.

17. Invoices

The Client who wishes to receive a three month corporate invoice must request one and complete the information about his company when registering. Alternatively, they can send their request via email to

18. Force majeure 

Neither Mix nor the Client shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform their obligations if they are due to force majeure. Force majeure is considered to be what is generally considered by the jurisprudence of the Belgian courts on the subject, and in particular any event beyond the control of the parties and preventing the normal execution of their obligations, in particular and without limitation: total or partial strike within or outside the company, lock-out, exceptional weather conditions, epidemics, blockage of distribution or storage for any reason whatsoever, earthquake, fire, storm, flood, water damage, freezing of computer or telecommunications systems, theft, pandemic, …

In the event of temporary force majeure, the party invoking force majeure must inform the other party and take all reasonable measures to overcome the situation.

In the event access to the Mix’s infrastructure is temporarily made impossible for reasons beyond Mix’s control due to force majeure, online (Livestream) or outdoor courses will replace the traditional physical access. This will have no consequence on the continuation of current subscriptions and without recourse.

19. Exemption from liability and waiver of recourse 

Mix is not responsible for damage or theft occurring inside or outside the Mix infrastructures.

Mix cannot be held responsible for any material, immaterial or physical damage caused by a third party.

Mix is not responsible for technical problems affecting the communication of information via its website or its application. Mix is not liable to the Client for any modification, interruption, defect or termination of its Website or Application. Mix is also not responsible for the websites referenced on its Website or App.

The Client expressly waives the right for him, his heirs, beneficiaries or legal representatives to sue or make claims of any kind against Mix or its members for any personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by his negligence or otherwise.

The Client expressly declares that he/she does not suffer from any medical or physical problem (even if slight) that would prevent him/her from using the Mix courses and facilities properly. Each person is responsible for his/her own behavior.

20. Invalidity and Severability 

Mix’s failure or delay in enforcing any provision of these terms and conditions or any part thereof shall not be construed as a waiver by Mix of any of its rights hereunder, now or in the future.

If at any time any provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, this will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions and the parties’ agreement. Mix and the Client shall use all reasonable efforts and take all necessary steps to replace any illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision of these terms and conditions with a legal, valid and enforceable provision having substantially the same economic effect on the parties and, to the extent permitted by law, containing the original intention.

The original version of these general terms and conditions is written in Dutch, French and English. In the event of a dispute, these general terms and conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with the text and spirit of the French version.

21. Applicable law – jurisdiction

These general conditions are governed by Belgian law.

In the event of a discussion or dispute concerning the application or interpretation of these general conditions, both parties undertake to seek an amicable solution before initiating any legal proceedings.

The courts of Brussels, French-speaking section, shall have jurisdiction over any disputes relating to these terms and conditions, unless otherwise provided by mandatory legal provisions.

22. Special Club membership conditions

Terms and conditions

Club memberships provide unlimited access to the Gym & Wellness and a 2 days/week access to our flexdesk coworking Library.

Club membership prices are displayed VAT (21%) excl. and all the rules above including the house and class booking rules apply to this membership.

Coworking library conditions

-Two days/week flexdesk in open space coworking.
-Phone booths and meeting rooms available during those 2 days.
-Guests welcomed for meetings in the public areas and the meeting rooms.
-Office amenities are available (printer, day locker).
-10% discount on event spaces & conference rooms.

Food and hotel conditions

-10% discount at our restaurants
-20% on hotel rates for you and your guest
-3 days/year: hotel room for a power nap

23. Internal regulations applicable within Mix Gym facilities

We kindly ask you to pay special attention to the House and Class rules available at the reception of our facilities. These may be subject to adjustments and modifications.